Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mistakes Couples Make When Mixing Love and Money Together

As I prepare for an appearance on ABC News to talk about money and relationships, I thought I would share the answers to some of my questions that were asked of me by the producers. Perhaps this can be valuable information that can be used to help others. There is more in my book, Financial Lovemaking, which goes deeply into the struggles that couples have when negotiating the challenging task of merging love and money together.Love Money have in common?

People think it's taboo to mix love and money in a conversation, but it's not. It's actually essential that you do so. Loving together means living together. In most relationships, you spend more time talking about functional aspects of life, such as paying the bills and purchasing decisions than you spend on "lovey-dovey" stuff. Also, like making love, merging your assets involves sharing something of value with another person. Similar to the act of sharing your body, merging your assets with someone else can either be a fulfilling experience or a devastating one, depending on who you choose as your partner.

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