Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Manage and organize your family budget with these savvy Web sites

Posted by JieYing Peng

Need help with the family budget? Manage and organize your family's finances with these savvy sites

Robert Love didn't pay much attention to his finances as a college undergraduate, and it cost him a lot of cash. Now Love, 24, is a graduate student at the University of Florida, and he's also graduated to tracking his finances at

The free money-management Web site lets users view and track all their accounts: checking, savings, credit, loan and investment. Each account is updated automatically every day, and each expense is tagged by category, such as "groceries." The site can turn even the ugliest financial mess into a thing of beauty, organizing expenses into neat grids, pie charts and bar graphs.

After a year, the system has helped Love save $1,000 and dozens of hours in front of the computer. The downside: The site tracks only information available through your bank electronically. You can't add transactions manually to your Mint account, so you can't keep count of what's in your piggy bank or tally cash dealings.

To keep the books for her family of six, Kelly Whalen prefers The Exton, Pa., stay-at-home mom manages her credit, savings and checking accounts on the site, although she has to go elsewhere to keep track of the mortgage and her husband's 401(k). Still, since joining Wesabe last June, she's cut her family's expenses by about $1,000 a month.

For full article:,0,2546667.story

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