By Lara Turner
I have read many articles where certain people think that money is the number one cause of divorce and others where money issues don't lead to divorce. One article I read talk about a couple, Sam and Kate, who have very different philosophies on how to manage money. Sam likes to make money and then spend it right away and Kate likes to save her money for something special. Money almost split them up when they called off their engagement, for a brief amount of time, but then they worked things out. Now when they fight about money they think its a good thing because by the end they come up with a solution that is a combination of what both of them originally wanted. Another article says that research shows that money is the number one reason for divorce. It even goes as far as to talk about a couple where the wife doesn't want to get married because she is worried that her husbands credit is going to carry over and ruin her credit. Im sure that some people get divorced because of money, but I think it depends completely on the couple and how hard they want to work at their marriage.
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